Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mother's Day 2011 by Flowery Of Irvine

Did you know that Sunday May 8th, 2011 is Mother's Day....!!

Here are some history articles we copied from Wikipedia: Hope you will enjoy those....

Celebrations of mothers and motherhood occur throughout the world; many of these have histories can be traced back to ancient festivals. The modern US-celebration of Mother's Day is not directly related to these.[1][2][3]
There is evidence of mother goddess worship in the ancient world, dating back as far as 6.000 BC,[4]:376 and many mother goddess shrines could be found in ancient times in Asia minor.[4]:372
Ancient Greece kept a festival to Cybele, a great mother of Greek gods. It was held around the Vernal Equinox around Asia Minor. Originally they identified Cybele with Rhea, the mother of gods. The details were not recorded, and we only know that the goddess was attended by galli.[4]:374[5]
Ancient Romans appropriated the cult to Cybele/Rhea in order to absorb culturally the Greeks and the habitants of Asia Minor, honoring Cybele in the Hilaria festivals, from the Ides of March (15 March) to 18 March.[4]:371-375 But the Romans were horrified by the Greek celebrations; they quickly associated the cult to the Roman version of Cybele and they made up their own customs.[4]:373 They also made a separate festival in April dedicated to Magna Deorum Mater Idaea, a version of Cybele that was even further separated from Greek customs.[4]:373 The two goddesses, Cybele and Mater Idaea, were eventually merged into a single entity that was completely Romanized, although they kept using galli.[4]:374-375
Ancient romans had another holiday, Matronalia, that was dedicated to Juno; it was intended to favor the fertility of women.[6] Married women, independently of whether they were mothers or not, made private parties where they prayed for happiness in their marriages and prepared dishes for their female slaves. The husbands gave money and gifts to their wifes and prayed for their pregnancy. It was complemented by the Saturnalia festival, where male slaves were given freedom and wifes gave presents to their husbands.[7][8] It was celebrated when the harvests were planted.
The festivals of Cybele evolved into the Christian festival of Mothering Sunday, honouring the Virgin Mary and your mother church (the main church of the area)[1] It's now a long standing tradition, part of the liturgical calendar in several Christian denominations, including Anglicans, and in the Catholic calendar it is marked as Laetare Sunday, the fourth Sunday in Lent. Children and young people who were "in service" (servants in richer households) were given a day off on that date so they could visit their families (or, originally, return to their "mother" church). The children would pick wild flowers along the way to place them in the church or to give them to their mothers as gifts. Eventually, the religious tradition evolved into a secular tradition of giving gifts to mothers.[9]

As I watched Prince William wed with Kate Middleton, I did remembered his loving Mom, Princess Diana.
On the day of Mother's Day, Sunday May 8th, I definitely will be remembering one loving mom. 
Princess Diana, you are in our thoughts and prayers..... We love you.  

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Flowery Of Irvine - April 24th is Easter Sunday

We just had a great blast on floral creations for Mardi Gras and St Patrick's Day.
What's next......??
We are getting ready for month of April.  As Easter is approaching realy soon, our shop is getting ready for flower arramgements which are must on your list for easter celebrations.  Easter in my opinion is more happy holiday.  Not only we celebrate resurrection of Christ, but also we welcome the spring and new life.  Easter is a symbol of new life and new growth.  Lets not forget the Easter Lilies, a symbol of life.  Tulips, amarilies, freesias, irises, anemones, peonies and calla lilies are beautiful reminder of our life.  Each flower is symbol of life and beauty. Plase let us know if we can be any asistance to help you on your flower selection.
Of course, Secretary's Day is week after Easter.  Did you know that April 27th, Wednesday is "Professional Secretaries Day"! Don't forget your office personnels. Please honor her with bouquet of flowers.  This flower giving gesture will go long way...... Please call Flowery Of Irvine, your local florist and order your bouquet today. Call 949-955-1515 or 888-605-1515.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Nature, our nurishment, by Flowery Of Irvine ..........

For thousands of years, Flowers has brought lots of joy on the earth.  Not only for their beauty, but also for their use for medicinal purposes and not to mention their use in pollination.  Human has used flowers for courtships to express love and romance.  Did you know that, our ancesters were more calm, gentle and thoughtful in their thinking then us today....  The simple life surrounded by nature brought lots of tranquility and peace. Human is destorying forests, jungles and trees and plants in general.  Slowly, all the plantation including flowers, vegetables and crops will be destroyed.  There won't be any agricultrue, cultivation of flowers or vegetables and fruits.  Only thing will be concentrated lab produced, food tablets.  Slowly the air polution will force us to wear mask and at the end, bubble on the earth ozon layer so we can filter the air to breath in.  I think the end is here near by.
Lets think hard today and take care of our planet earth.